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Why would you want to swig Apple Cider Vinegar?'

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has been touted for its potential health benefits, especially for Midlifers.   It has been especially beneficial to women navigating hormonal changes and both men and women for many related health concerns. 

When you purchase your next bottle of ACV make sure it is 'Unpasteurised'.  It will be a bit cloudy and possibly have a few bits floating around the bottom.  Give it a shake 🫨 first.  

The benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar

Please note ACV is not to be taken neat.  

Here are five tips on incorporating ACV into your routine to support your overall Wellness routine:

Support Digestion and Gut Health

  • Benefit: ACV contains acetic acid, which helps to improve digestion and nutrient absorption, and support gut microbiota balance.  With 70-80% of immune cells being present in the gut, there is an intricate interplay between the intestinal microbiota (healthy gut bacterial), the intestinal epithelial layer ( these cells play an important role in the digestion of food, absorption of nutrients, and protect the human body from infections),    

  • How to Use: Dilute 1-2 teaspoons of ACV in a glass of warm water before meals to stimulate digestion. Adding a teaspoon of honey can also enhance flavor and provide additional benefits.

Manage Blood Sugar Levels

  • Benefit: ACV may help stabilize blood sugar levels by improving insulin sensitivity, particularly after carbohydrate-rich meals.

  • How to Use: Take a diluted ACV drink (1-2 teaspoons in water) with or after meals to mitigate post-meal blood sugar spikes.

    If eating a high Carbohydrate meal such as a big bowl of pasta, rice or a lot of bread drink the above concoction 60 minutes after your meal.  

Support Weight Management

  • Benefit: Studies suggest ACV may enhance feelings of fullness, reducing overall calorie intake, and aid in fat metabolism.

  • How to Use: Incorporate ACV into salad dressings or morning beverages as part of a balanced diet and active lifestyle. Avoid consuming undiluted ACV to prevent tooth enamel erosion.

    Note also the benefits of supporting a healthy microbiome is going to be a key benefit in reducing inflammation in the gut, keeping the healthy bacteria fed on good stuff so they will crave less sugary foods.  All supporting a healthy weight.  

Alleviate Menopausal Symptoms

  • Benefit: Some anecdotal evidence suggests ACV may help with hot flashes and bloating due to its alkalizing effect on the body.  Also paired with the benefits to the gut where many hormones are made and supported.  

  • How to Use: Sip an ACV drink (1-2 teaspoons in water) daily. Pair it with other lifestyle changes, like hydration, exercise, and balanced nutrition, for optimal results.

Promote Liver Detoxification

  • Liver Benefit: ACV is believed to stimulate liver function and assist in detoxification by encouraging bile production, which helps flush out toxins.  As we get a bit older our Liver can become sluggish.  It is one of the most important detoxification organs and defiinitely one needing a bit of love and attention as we 'age'.  

  • How to Use: Start your day with a glass of warm water mixed with 1 tablespoon of ACV and a squeeze of lemon. This can support your body's natural detox processes.


  • Always dilute ACV to avoid potential irritation to the throat or stomach lining.

  • Start with small amounts and increase gradually to test tolerance.

  • Consult with a healthcare provider, especially if taking medications (like diuretics, insulin, stomach acid inhibitors like lansoprasol, omeprasol) or dealing with specific health conditions where you are unsure of potential contraindications.  

Incorporating ACV mindfully can be a simple yet effective way to support your health.  Life your Chiropractic care, you do not have to have symptoms to start this healthy habit.  

Yours in Abundant Heath, 

Arleen Scholten D.C. 


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